Aries New Moon April 5th
Whatever it is that you want to achieve the New Moon in the sign of Aries will give you the energy and drive to go forth and conquer! You will feel the energy is there to help you to break through any barriers that may have been blocking you moving forward BUT we have Saturn the master of TIME in Capricorn squared this New Moon representing limits slowing impatient Aries down.
Saturn is teaching Aries that you must be patient and wait and watch for the right time to move forward. So, you must not self-doubt all the things that seem to be lining up or that seem to be in synchronicity or that relationship that didn’t take off immediately, if it’s does not all come together in the time frame as you expected it does not mean that you are on the wrong path. You simply need to observe slowdown, be patient, do all the behind the scenes work knowing that all will align at the right time, matching the rhythm of your plan bringing even greater progress as we work in harmony with flow of the universal divine synchronicity. Saturn teaches you that even though an idea or relationship is right for you not everything happens at the pace we might like. So many may experience creative frustration or frustration working with or within another’s system at this time. Take this time to go over your vision or plan and allow your knowing (trust) with the universe to create a master plan. We also need to be aware of another LIBRA FULL MOON April 19th the 2nd Libra full moon this month! We have a double whammy that could push people to the brink if something is no longer workable or you may not be able to continue pretending that an imbalance is acceptable or even tolerable. So, I would suggest that with the Aries Full Moon don’t rush forward to fast. Blessings Lesa