Cancer Full Moon 25th Dec 2015
10.11pm DST Australia
Merry Christmas to you all I thought I would give you the exciting news first and then the more serious news so that you can be a step ahead this month.
On the 24th and 25th Christmas eve we have a Full Moon in Cancer, we have Venus sextiles Jupiter which is a fabulous line up for all social activities, Venus is the giver of love, happiness, beauty and Jupiter is the giver of gifts, good fortune and miracles and wants to give you more, when these two signs are in communicate they will be working out how to help you. The Full Moon has Neptune trine Venus bringing a higher octave of (Venus) love and you will want to give to others before yourself and with mercury (communication) trine Jupiter this the most harmonious aspect you can get, you may get a message text or surprise gift, remember Jupiter gives you more than what you asked for. On the 26th Uranus is turning direct so all the things that you have wanted to move forward in will begin to move forward 2-3 days from the 26th.New Years Eve also looks to be good alignments so here is to a refreshing December.
Now there is more this Cancer Full moon on Dec 25th also has the sun and moon attain their monthly opposition and it usually intensifies two major areas of our life which are in conflict and encourages us to find a way to honour both. This Cancer-Capricorn full moon will highlight where we must balance our needs for home, family and also nurture our desires of accomplishment. This full moon carries extra charge because we have Uranus station direct on this day also indicating that it is time to make a real not just cosmetic, change in a least one area of our life.
So ask yourself this, Are you doing what you want to be doing? Or what you think you should be doing? Are you living in the right place? Are you doing your true work? Where are you being prodded to try something completely different?
With Uranus in Aries it energises us to be bold think for ourselves and not be dependant on external approval, you may experience that you have out grown your job, relationship or a situation and some may experience an unexpected turn of events that may bring a forced new direction. Remember full moons are also about what we need to release.
Wait there is even more this full moon is further poetized by its proximity to one of the two solstices of the year allowing an increase of cosmic energy due to the pivotal points where the tilt of the earths axis shifts. Cancer is known as the great gateway in and Capricorn is known as the great gateways out hence the energy enticing us to return to our spiritual self and our journey here on earth, which forms that which is the real basis of our own individual personal spiritual truths.
This full moon will bring shifts in your thinking and the growing awareness of your true identity from your soul. So be mindful this full moon of what your intuition is indicating and trust what your soul is calling for, as it knows exactly who you are and where you are going. This is a time to be very mindful of the very potent energy, which can bring major change to your life if you listen.
Blessings to you all from Lesa at