
The New Moon energy has long being known to heighten the intuitive senses bringing awareness to ones emotions and instincts. This Cancer New Moon has six planets plus Chiron in water signs, which draws us deeply inward into our emotions the new moon in cancer ushers us into a deeper understanding of our feminine side. Cancer ruled by the moon and sometimes called the moon child will have many of you feeling the emotional effects of this new moon.The first half of July will turn your attention toward how we are handling our feelings,needs and home life.How well are you caring for your body, heart, mind and soul.Where do you need to think out of the box?Where do you need to own your power? We often put off dealing with our feelings and emotions and put them at the bottom of the list until we can no longer ignore them.From the 30th June until 22nd of July there is a grand trine making it easier for you to to open your heart and clear up misunderstandings and close old wounds,so it is a great time for releasing and doing your healing work so allow extra time for reflection contemplation and dig deep.Be mindful when emotions come up to take responsibility for how you are feeling and remember that you are the only one responsible for how you feel.Be open and have courage if you want to have a break through and major emotional shift.Relax reflect meditate be kind, loving and nurture yourself spend time in nature and enjoy doing nothing, it is in silence and solitude we can connect and hear our inner world and connect with our souls best intentions and calling.

Blessings from

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