Capricorn New Moon 10th Jan 2015

A new moon in Capricorn will have you thinking and checking your spiritual compass. New Moons are great for new ideas projects and planting the manifesting seeds of your new ideas and plans so use this New Moon to re-evaluate your priorities. Check to see if what you really want to be doing or being is in the same direction as you are going or are they in opposite directions.

Two planets retrograde two days before this new moon, Mercury has gone retrograde until the 25th Jan giving us time to rethink, retool and release whatever is no longer working or is out of alignment with our highest good.

On January 7th Jupiter goes retrograde until May 9th urging us to transform our inner critic into helpful editor, improve our skills and deal with lingering issues around health, clutter or efficiency, this energy will be pushing you to be more focused and productive.

Retrograde gives us the opportunity to rethink or complete unfinished business or eliminate what’s holding us back.

On January 8th we are being guided to clarify our values, commitments and priorities due to where we have only so much time, energy, and resources available to us. So this means its time to choose wisely so that we wont feel sorry later.