Gemini Full Moon on Nov 26th 2015
Saturn makes the first of 3 exact squares to Neptune on this day marking important turning points. This full moon highlights our relationship between our beliefs, dreams and life. Gemini seeks to gather and share information and Sagittarius searches for unifying principles, meaning and truth. We must reorient ourselves and release any form that no longer supports our growth. Its time to manifest from our essence rather than our ego and follow our intuition and inner guidance rather than external authority and convention. What were you born for? What do you live by? What guides the choices you make each day? It is time to evolve your spiritual maturity by letting go of denial, victim, blame, guilt, addictions, martyrdom and illusions to enable you to connect to your higher self and empower yourself so you can live with integrity, faith and our truth. On November 24-25th Saturn and Neptune square testing your ability to remain focused and able to go with the flow so remember to stay centered, present and trust your intuition through out to the end of the month meditate and listen to the wisdom of the heart see through your fears and change your beliefs that block you from embodying your truth.